David Moravec
Remote Sensing Scientist
Born: 30. 6. 1988
Nationality: Czech
Contact Information
Department of Spatial Sciences, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Kamycka 129, 165 21, Prague 6, Czech Republic
dmoravec@fzp.czu.cz, tel.: +420 22438 2953
Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, TUD Dresden University of Technology, Trefftz-Bau Zellescher Weg 16 01069 Dresden, Germany
Professional experience
2024 – Present Post-doctoral researcher at Junior Professorship for Environmental Remote Sensing, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, TU Dresden
2013 – Present Assistant professor on Czech University of Life Science Prague, Remote sensing lecturer
2013 – 2018 PhD (Doctoral) degree - Applied and Landscape Ecology CZU
2011 – 2013 Master’s degree - Landscape Engineering CZU
2008 – 2011 Bachelor’s degree – Landscaping CZU
Publishing activity
Since 2014, I published 19 scientific papers in peer-reviewed ISI journals, 4 as first author, and 14 without my PhD supervisor. Most of my publications are in the first quartile (Q1) in their subject area. I have an H-index of 10 (source Scopus), 333 citations on Scopus, 426 on Google Scholar, (accessed: 11/11/2024). Below is a list of the papers that I co-authored.
1. Moravec, D., Barták, V., Puš, V., Wild, J., 2018. Wind turbine impact on near-ground air temperature. Renewable Energy 123, 627–633.
2. Moravec, D., Barták, V., Šímová, P., 2023. Finding Misclassified Natura 2000 Habitats by Applying Outlier Detection to Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data. Remote Sensing 15, 4409.
3. Moravec, D., Komárek, J., Kumhálová, J., Kroulík, M., Prošek, J., Klápštì, P., 2017. Digital elevation models as predictors of yield: comparison of an UAV and other elevation data sources.
4. Moravec, D., Komárek, J., López-Cuervo Medina, S., Molina, I., 2021. Effect of atmospheric corrections on NDVI: Intercomparability of Landsat 8, Sentinel-2, and UAV sensors. Remote Sensing 13, 3550.
5. Kirschner, V., Mackù, K., Moravec, D., Maòas, J., 2023a. Measuring the relationships between various urban green spaces and local climate zones. Scientific Reports 13, 9799.
6. Kirschner, V., Moravec, D., Mackù, K., 2023b. Green or blue bodies to mitigate the urban heat island? The case of a compact European city.
7. Kirschner, V., Moravec, D., Mackù, K., Kozhoridze, G., Komárek, J., 2024. Comparing the Effects of Green and Blue Bodies and Urban Morphology on Land Surface Temperatures Close to Rivers and Large Lakes. Land 13, 162.
8. Klouèek, T., Moravec, D., Komárek, J., Lagner, O., Štych, P., 2018. Selecting appropriate variables for detecting grassland to cropland changes using high resolution satellite data. PeerJ 6, e5487.
9. Kozhoridze, G., Korolyova, N., Komarek, J., Kloucek, T., Moravec, D., Simova, P., Jakuš, R., 2024. Direct and mediated impacts of mixed forests on Norway spruce infestation by European bark beetle Ips typographus. Forest Ecology and Management 569, 122184.
10. Malavasi, M., Bazzichetto, M., Komarek, J., Moravec, D., Moudry, V., Rocchini, D., Rosario Acosta, A., Carranza, M., 2019. UAV-based monitoring of eco-morphological processes in Mediterranean coastal dunes, in: IAVS 2019: 62nd Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science: Vegetation Science and Biodiversity Research, Bremen, Germany, July 14-19, 2019. DE, p. 153.
11. Malavasi, M., Carranza, M.L., Moravec, D., Cutini, M., 2018. Reforestation dynamics after land abandonment: A trajectory analysis in Mediterranean mountain landscapes. Regional Environmental Change 18, 2459–2469.
12. Marešová, J., Gdulová, K., Pracná, P., Moravec, D., Gábor, L., Prošek, J., Barták, V., Moudrỳ, V., 2021. Applicability of data acquisition characteristics to the identification of local artefacts in global digital elevation models: Comparison of the copernicus and tandem-x dems. Remote Sensing 13, 3931.
13. Morelli, F., Benedetti, Y., Ibáñez-Álamo, J.D., Tryjanowski, P., Jokimäki, J., Kaisanlahti-Jokimäki, M.-L., Suhonen, J., Díaz, M., Møller, A.P., Moravec, D., others, 2021. Effects of urbanization on taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic avian diversity in Europe. Science of the Total Environment 795, 148874.
14. Morelli, F., Benedetti, Y., Moravec, D., Jerzak, L., Tryjanowski, P., Liang, W., Møller, A.P., 2019. Global congruence between cuckoo species richness and biodiversity hotspots. Biological Conservation 232, 28–34.
15. Morelli, F., Benedetti, Y., Su, T., Zhou, B., Moravec, D., Šímová, P., Liang, W., 2017. Taxonomic diversity, functional diversity and evolutionary uniqueness in bird communities of Beijing’s urban parks: effects of land use and vegetation structure. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 23, 84–92.
16. Morelli, F., Tryjanowski, P., Ibáñez-Álamo, J.D., Díaz, M., Suhonen, J., Pape Møller, A., Prosek, J., Moravec, D., Bussière, R., Mägi, M., others, 2023. Effects of light and noise pollution on avian communities of European cities are correlated with the species’ diet. Scientific Reports 13, 4361.
17. Moudrỳ, V., Moudrá, L., Barták, V., Bejèek, V., Gdulová, K., Hendrychová, M., Moravec, D., Musil, P., Rocchini, D., Št’astnỳ, K., others, 2021. The role of the vegetation structure, primary productivity and senescence derived from airborne LiDAR and hyperspectral data for birds diversity and rarity on a restored site. Landscape and Urban Planning 210, 104064.
18. Perrone, M., Scalici, M., Conti, L., Moravec, D., Kropáèek, J., Sighicelli, M., Lecce, F., Malavasi, M., 2021. Water mixing conditions influence Sentinel-2 monitoring of chlorophyll content in monomictic lakes. Remote Sensing 13, 2699.
19. Wild, J., Kirschner, J., Moravec, D., Kohlová, J., n.d. Mìøení mikroklimatu jako jeden z pøedpokladù úspìšné introdukce okrasných døevin.
Teaching and mentoring
Lecturers and instructors in GIS I and GIS II courses
Guarantor, lecturers and instructors of Remote Sensing I and II, Microwave Remote Sensing
Supervisors of 23 successful bachelor and master theses
Opponent of 25 bachelor and master theses and 1 dissertation thesis
2023 (1 month) Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) Environmental Remote Sensing
2021 (2 month) Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) Environmental Remote Sensing
2017 (1 month) Università Degli Studi Roma Tre (Italy) Department of Science
2018 (1 month) Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain) Department of Geodesy and Cartography
National funding, awards and scholarships
2021 Key person in TAÈR (TITSMZP012) Effect of light pollution on sensitive animal species, ecosystems and landscape characteristics
2021 Key person in TAÈR (CK02000203) Monitoring and evaluation of risk phenomena in the vicinity of transport infrastructure using remote sensing
2021 Participant in TACR in TAÈR (SS02030018) Center for Landscape and Biodiversity (DivLand)
2020 Key person TACR TAÈR (SS01010046) Possibilities for updating map layers of NATURA 2000 biotopes using advanced remote sensing methods
2018 Participant in GAÈR (18-16738S) Effects of urbanization on multilevel avian diversity: linking bird community metrics to pollution level, vegetation and building density
2017 Participant in GAÈR (17-17156Y) Fusion of LiDAR and UAV borne multispectral data to assess physiographic diversity
2011 Participant in TAÈR (TA01021283) Design and calibration of modular autonomous station for the measurement of soil moisture and temperature conditions in vast point clusters.
International funding, awards and scholarships
2024 Awarded by Marie Curie Fellowship COFUND Project: WaCoRe-EU “Woody Plant Water Content Assessment via Microwave Corner Reflection”
2023 Key Person in EU H2020 (101079310) EarthBridge - Building Bridges between Earth observation and Environmental Sciences
2019 Participant in Visegrad fund (21920035) Communication platform for use of Earth Observation methods for Vegetation Monitoring in Changing Climate
Talks, Invited lectures
Invited lecturer
2022 Faculty of Science; Charles University, Prague “Glacier remote sensing”
2019, 2022 Earth Remote Sensing Workshop (Isfahan, Iran) “Desert remote sensing, water quality”
2019 8. Czech Copernicus User Forum “Panel discussion about new Czech satellite”
2018 ESA Business Incubation Centre Prague “Atmospheric correction overview”
2018 Split Remote Sensing Professional Summer School “Pixel based Classifications”
Contributed talks
2024 5th VOD4FOREST “Use of Corner Reflectors for Forest VOD”
2024 Czech Copernicus User Forum and Remote Sensing “Remote sensing of night light”
2023 Light Pollution 2023 Webinar “Effect of light pollution on sensitive animal species, ecosystems and landscape characteristics”
Media coverage and public outreach
2024 Irozhlas.cz “S odhalením povodòového nebezpeèí mùžou pomoci vesmírné družice. Jejich radary vidí i pod zem” https://www.irozhlas.cz/veda-technologie/veda/s-odhalenim-povodnoveho-nebezpeci-muzou-pomoci-vesmirne-druzice-jejich-radary_2409221857_kth
2024 Èeský Rozhlas Radiožurnál, Magazín Experiment “Zemìdìlství z obìžné dráhy: Infraèervené záøení umí odhalit, jak prospívají rostliny v krajinì” https://radiozurnal.rozhlas.cz/zemedelstvi-z-obezne-drahy-infracervene-zareni-umi-odhalit-jak-prospivaji-9301226
2018 ÈT 1, Události “TROPICKÝ DEN - Jak Èeši tráví extrémnì teplé dny a jak mìní aktuální poèasí krajinu?” https://www.ceskatelevize.cz/porady/1097181328-udalosti/218411000100801/ (min 29.42)
2017 ABC “Nebeští zahradníci: Jak pomáhají drony naší pøírodì?”
Software: ENVI, SNAP, QIS, ArcGIS, R
Languages: English – Proficient in written and spoken, German – Elementary
Programming: Visual Basic, Python, PHP, MySQL, JSON, HTML, CSS, JAVA Script
Driving licence: A, B
UAV pilot: A1 & A3 EASA category
PADI: Open Water Diver